It has been a busy, busy week at work so I haven't been able to get to the allotment during the week, we'll be heading off to plant more seeds and dig things over today. To get my allotment fix I've been monitoring the progress of the following:
Borlotti beans, I cannot wait to get these out when it's warm enough I dug compost trenches back in the autumn and have been filling them with kitchen scraps and newspaper etc because apparently beans love compost rich soil. I dug compost trenches last year and it seemed to work quite well, fingers crossed the beans like it! |
Tomatoes and chillies, I really can't take credit for these, tomatoes and chillies are MozzyMr's pet project, we're still using the chillies he grew last year which we dried. Plus the amount of passata we're still getting through is astonishing! Great on homemade pizza though so no complaints here. |
Pfft mushrooms. These were supposed to be butternut squashes but nothing has happened with them so I'm going to have to buy more seeds because the butternut squashes we had last year were the best. The compost we bought from Makro was riddled with fungus, green and blue mushrooms have been popping up all over the place. The umbrella looking ones here only stay looking like that for a day and then they shrivel up to virtually nothing. Whilst I haven't got the butternut squashes I really wanted it has been nice to see these develop, they're really delicate and beautiful (photographs them and unceremoniously chucks them in the compost bin). |
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