Friday, 10 January 2014

Happy Friday

Well Happy Friday one and all!  I am very excited to be meeting up with two of my favourite ex-colleagues this evening and then tomorrow evening we'll be having four fabulous friends around for dinner, drinks and catch-ups, can't wait!

Whatever you guys are up to this weekend, have a good one!

Huehuehue look out Mewster Momma gonna knit you a sweater!

*Sigh* this is me, I don't know how aware the cat is of the power she holds over me.

This little chap just looks so happy to be having a little scrub.  Aww.

Dunno if you've heard but shit's frozen over in America.  No one had really mentioned it so I thought I would let you know.


  1. haha I love the last series, especially the last photo, the winning cat looks like a king :D

  2. haha…. very funny! Have a lovely weekend, sounds like you have lots planned xx


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