Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Allotment geekery

The strawberry patch on the allotment is being kind to us at the moment, we were able to harvest our first strawberries on Saturday and we harvested 3kg of fruit!  So what do you so when you have 3kg of strawberries and your husband can't eat raw fruit?

Make jam!  We talked about making jam last year but never got around to it which meant I had A LOT of strawberries to eat by myself, by the end of the strawberry season I was sick of them.  So MozzyMr being the thorough fella that he is researched a number of recipes from Delia, Jamie, Hugh and even the Devon Cookbook, in the end going with the one found on the bottle of pectin.  We had to make the jam in two batches because our cooking pot was too small, but overall the process was fairly straightforward.  First tastings have been good but it hasn't cooled sufficiently to tell if it will set well... I'll keep you updated, we have ten jars of the stuff so I'm off to get the toast under the grill.


  1. I propose high tea with scones and your homemade jam, I'd like to invite myself too please. Looks scrummy Mrs x

  2. *gasp* A picnic in the park! Why didn't I think of that we could get the Habitat crew together!

  3. That's an amazing haul! Mine are still green! Shame about the raw fruit thing, jam is a very good idea :-)

  4. We're making strawberry jam as well! A hybrid pectin/ freezer kind. I love opening a bottle of jam in the middle if winter. It's like summer in my mouth. We can't keep up with our strawberries there are too many!


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